Saturday, June 26, 2010

MIC..C U Real Soon, KEY...Y becuase we like u!

Okay, so I'm trying to do much better at taking care of myself (especially when I find myself taking on too much and burning out.) This tends to happen quite frequently seeing as the word "NO" doesn't exist well in my vocabulary. So I have made the hard decision to take a bit of a hiatus from my blog. At least until the show is over. I pretty much have work and or rehearsal (or both) everyday from here on out and I'm getting on average about an hour of time to be home before 10:00pm. So I feel like at this point I'm not moving forward and not telling you anything new. Just listing the few cleaning things I might have done that day. Now this doesn't mean I'm going to stop trying to get some cleaning in, and I'm gonna keep up with my routines, and definitely try to sneak some exercise in there somewhere. I am going to do my best to keep up with what I've got so that I can be rip roarin and ready to go just as soon as the show is done. So I will try to check in or blog if something good happens. But at this point, expect silence from my end. Stick with me though guys ok? Your support has really been amazing and helped me move along in this whole process!

Friday, June 25, 2010


Okay! I made progress today. I also realized there's bit of non-progress going on in that I'm not sure I know where the book is. Which is going to make it quite difficult to really move forward in this whole endeavor. I do have to take off on a random side tangent and agree with my Auntie, who thinks that I should take my blog on the road with music and singing and prop sinks and vacuums and things. I think it could be big! Okay, back to the real world. I FOLDED THE LAUNDRY!!! This is the point where someone throws ticker tape (somewhere not in my house so I don't have to clean it up) and bands play and girls twirl batons in small skirts. Fantastic! *Sidenote: how cool would that be if that happened when you accomplished a goal?* The down side, I totally forgot about the sink. I did get on a bit of a tangent which was good. I folded that laundry and did a whole other load of laundry (that is of course sitting around waiting to be folded) I took all of the other laundry and put it in baskets to be washed. I even took you-know-who's empty baskets into the bedroom so he could put them in a proper place (i.e. NOT the middle of the living room.) I also put away a couple of storage containers, finished off my costume, loaded up all the little bags of trash into one big bag, and scooped out the cat poop. Oh ya, I also went on a banzai attack mission on the flower bed outside. It started out innocently enough with me watering my tomatoes (I'm trying to grow something on purpose here, and even something edible....WISH ME LUCK!) and while I was doing this I noticed the poor little plants that were dieing in their teeny pots that needed to go in bigger pots. Which led me to look over to where our poor rhody was being completely and utterly taken over by blackberries and some sort of vine. I got pissed and started ripping things out with abandon. Which is all fine and dandy for our rhody. Not so fine and dandy for the giant pile of weeds literally in the middle of the walk way to the front door (I didn't know what to do with them!) And really truly all of the proceeding stuff pales in comparison to my major shocking accomplishment. Dun dun duuuuuunnnnnnn!

I took an Ikea bag (you know those giant blue ones that you could probably fit, not one, but two small children in?) chock full of clothes to the thrift store to sell them. YAY! Sorta. Because even though I called them and told them that I was bringing a HUGE bag of clothes and they said I could and that they would take them. When I got there they said no. And that I had to make an appointment for a different day. But they would gladly take 15 items. BLAH! So the giant bag of clothes is out of the house! (Hallelujah! Its been sitting in the bedroom for probably a year now, slowly collecting more and more) But now it is infesting my car with clutter, but only till next Friday. I can handle that, right?

So that was my day in cleaning! My goal for tomorrow is to fold that load of laundry and find the book. May the force be with me!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hello again!

Woo hoo! I have a new follower (bout darn time seestor of mine lol) Well, if anyone missed me last night besides Lizz, I apologize for my absence. For the first time I completely spaced out. Like out of my brain, totally forgot. I got home after being at work for 9 hours and then a "holy crap the show starts in like 2 weeks and we have scenes we've never done before" rehearsal and got home around 9 somethingish. And I thought to myself hmm, I should write my blog even though I did absolutely no cleaning, none of my work out stuff, and I think I totally forgot all my routine stuff. Then I saw that my hun was working on the computer. And it wasn't one of those doodling around looking at random stuff kinda working on the computers. It was an actual doing updates and scanning for viruses, or some such other technical type things that pretty much elude me. So I figured I would get around to it whenever he was finished. (Now here is where I confess to being really lazy, because we have 2 other completely functional and totally usable computers that I could have just as easily used as the one he was working on.) So then I crawled into bed and completely and totally spaced out the fact that I had anything else I was gonna do. So, therefor, blog absence. But you know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. (Are you fonder yet?)

I do have to say that I am a little happy about the fact that I didn't write last night because it gave me something to write about today. I have to say that for the next couple weeks or so I may not have a lot to say. I will continue to work 40 hours a week and then almost every night go straight to rehearsals. And in the midst of all of that I have to finish my costumes.(You really would think that at some point along the line I would realize that I cannot handle working, being in a production, and doing costumes for said production. But I'm a glutton for punishment. Plus it gives me a great say in what I am forced to wear) So my day off was for the most part spent completing one costume. It is about 95% done and the rest should pretty much take me about 15 minutes tomorrow. This makes me happy! =) I did though stick to my sewing/cleaning rule. I threw away all the little threads I cut off, all the pins went back in their tines, and everything else is folded up and in one neat pile. Yay me! So that was my day. No cleaning involved. There's not alot of costuming I can do for tomorrow so hopefully I will get more cleaning done.

Goal for tomorrow: It's two parter. I'm gonna fold that damn laundry if it kills me. Also I am going to scrub my kitchen sink. It is NOT clean and I don't like it. I think a big part of that is the fact that I can't figure out where all the little random stuff that is in there came from. Oh well, best to probably NOT know. Chao!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I got nuthin

So I really didn't do anything today. I had some time once I finally got home but I just didn't have any oomph tonight. I did accomplish my goal in getting through today. Go me! I didn't jump rope either (refer back to the lack of oomph) but I did use this work out thing I have. It's basically the metal ring with two squishy handles opposite each other and you put it between your knees and squish it. Is it just me or does most of that sound really kinda wrong? Anywho I did 50 reps of that. Woo hoo. But that's about all I got. Now I apparently gotta figure out healthy snacks for people to share for tomorrow night, even though I will be at work until 15 minutes after rehearsal starts and I can barely buy food for myself. Awesome.

Goal for tomorrow: I can't think of one. Please place your votes for my goal and I will attempt to do my favorite one.

Monday, June 21, 2010

I only did the kinda things I orta, Sorta...

Alright my bloggy friends. I got so amped up today that I have been doing stuff almost non-stop since I got home at around 5:15ish. It is with that in mind that I have just noticed that it is 11:30. So I accomplished many amazing things this evening, and I am going to leave you all hanging and finish my post in the morning.

So, I hope you are all at home furiously pondering the amazingness that I was up to and I will see you in the morning.

P.S. Goal for tomorrow: just get through the day.

I'm back! Good morning all! Started it off with some PB & J and some Charmed, then its off to work (BOOOOO!!! it looks like its finally a nice day out and I'm gonna be stuck inside.) So my day yesterday deserves praise. Well, go on...praise me! (Are you praising me yet?) So I got home and put the groceries away (including the bag) WOo Hoo! Then I remembered my jump rope goal and got out my i-pod put on some fun music and went to it. And then quickly realized just how out of shape I am and how exhausting it is to jump rope for an extended time. What the heck?!?!?!?! Didn't jump roping used to be really easy??? So needless to say I didn't make it through the whole 15 minutes. I did though make it through 8. I'm gonna aim for that today as well. Then (after sitting for a few minutes to get my breath back) I moved on to cleaning off two different hot spots. I put the coffee table back together (my hun spilled water and took everything off and placed it all over) and got rid off the mass of dishes that seems to accumulate in like a day. (Like totally for sure.) Sorry, valley moment. Then I cleaned off the trunk that holds all my costuming stuff. It is another flat surface so of course it gathers crap. I put the costumes away (which involves alot of shoving, and closing the lid real quick and sitting on the lid on one side to get the latch done and then moving to the other side.) I then made it look pretty again. GO FREAKIN ME! Then my pleas of oncoming madness finally made it through to my hun and he took care of all of the laundry that had been taking over most of the living room. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!! Then I got all the pattern pieces cut out for one of my costumes AND put everything away. Then I went through a bunch of pictures for a project I'm working on AND put them away! YAY me!!!! So, what I think is really funny, is that in the mist of all of this cleaning madness I completely forgot about the fact that my goal was to fold laundry and so I didn't. Go figure huh?

Well, I hope by now you are all prostrating yourselves in front of my amazingness and on that note I am off to work!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Alright, well, life once again stepped in making things slightly difficult for me to accomplish anything. My hun's sister's car broke down (and since her job is delivering papers) we ended up having to make an emergency trip off island to drop off a car for her. Which of course means that once again I left the house at about 8:45am and got home at 10:00pm. I did however do 99.9% of my routine which was my goal for last night. VICTORY FOR ME! That .01% I haven't been able to figure out how to accomplish on a normal basis. It's my get all lathered up with lotion thing in the morning so I feel all smooth and luscious to start the day. *SIDENOTE-There were some really awesome words in just that one sentence: lathered, smooth and luscious...once again...AWESOME.* I seem to be able to do it sporadically, and then all the other times I get all dressed and then see the lotion and go CRAP! I didn't put lotion on. By the way, if anyone is getting all weirded out by this. I only do my arms and legs so its not really a weird creepy "puts the lotion on her skin thing" k? But after that I did everything else on the lists! YAY ME!

I also did something else that I am proud about. Now I just have to work on the follow through. Which seems to be a bit of a recurring thing in my life. But on to the good part. I bought myself a jump rope. Its blue and purple and sparkly. Now why you may be asking is this such a good thing (other than the fact that it is a sparkly jump rope which is amazing in and of itself.) So this goes back to the chapter about not running on an empty tank and doing things that make you feel good. So lately I've been a bit down and I'm not dancing 4 days a week anymore and this leads to Lissy feeling like a chubby bunny (Now shove 10 marshmallows in your mouth and say it again..well, don't really, people die that way. But at least think it.) So I figure that I love to jump rope and that maybe since its something I love to do that I will maybe be able to convinve myself to do it on a regular basis to get some excercise in. (What I would really like to do is get a pool membership at the gym but unless someone wants to sponsor me for $50 a month its not gonna happen...any takers?) So I am adding a fitness goal to my day, and I am going to try to jump rope for 15 minutes a day for now. Hopefully as I get going I'll add more time. Ok, let's get physical, physical....

So, that's about all I've got for today. I'm adding in my goal for tomorrow, which is to fold that damn laundry. It's driving me crazy. Plus I can't find any socks that match!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I feel as though I may have lost you. Is anyone out there? It may just be my current mood but it feels like no one is out there, that I have lost my mojo. Oh well, probably just insecurities. So needless to say (since you can all clearly hear my deep sighs and see my red blotchy face) I am in a crappy mood. My life seems to be in this major downward spiral. Maybe I'm being overly dramatic, but it sure seems that way. It seems like things were going reasonably well, kinda hopping on the cleaning band wagon, things evening out at work, yada yada... and now it feels as though it is all down the pooper. Pooper. *It made me feel slightly better to think Pooper* So on the cleaning front there really hasn't been much progress. Most of my routine stuff has flown out the window, I haven't read anymore of the book, and I'm pretty sure that my sink isn't clean. CRAP MUFFINS. Now I did scrub my tub and my bathroom sink this evening but it was for purely selfish reasons. After having a major crying jag in which I couldn't seem to actually STOP crying (I figure this is where some sympathetic soul is thinking, oh how long has it been since you cried? you just need to let it all out...the answer: YESTERDAY. it's been kinda a tough couple o'days.) So I figured that I would pamper myself a little bit, which is technically from the book right? You can't accomplish anything without taking care of yourself. No running on empty, that kinda thing. I scrubbed the tub (and the sink since it was right there and the soap already had Clorox on it) grabbed a bunch of candles and read my book. It helped a bit (I stopped crying at least) but I've been having a hard time throwing off the blues. Hopefully it will get better tomorrow. Now I figure this is the part in the story where I learn the life altering lesson and we all live happily ever after....ppppppppppbbbbssssssssttttt (by the way, feel free to comment with how you would spell the sound a raspberry makes.) Anyways. I figure there is a lesson here. All this stuff is life happening, its gonna continue to happen. It is not always going to be good and smooth running. And this is where you triumph and overcome by continuing the baby steps and the routines and all the little things that keep your house clean. Ok, got the idea. Now I gotta work on the follow through.

Alright goal for tomorrow. I'm gonna keep it kinda small so that I can make it happen and have something to feel good about. I am going to do both my morning and evening routine in their entirety. If I happen to get around to folding that laundry from a couple days ago....all the better.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

To Be Continued...

So I'm tired and kinda grumpy at I was at mom's for way too long waiting for her to get home so I'm gonna label this one to be continued and come back to finish it in the morning.
Goal for tomorrow: fold and put away the three loads of laundry I did today!

Alright, I'm back. So yesterday was a reasonably good cleaning day. I only got half way through my goal of getting all the stuff out of my car and putting it away. It all came out of the car, but then I ran out of time to actually put it away. So it is sitting in a neat pile waiting for me. I was going to do it today but circumstances have forced me from my home for the day so there won't be any cleaning done what-so-ever. (So I can tell you know that there won't be any post tonight since I won't be home at all today and will be seeing the Cirque de Soleil tonight so probably won't be home until midnight or so.) I am actually quite annoyed by the fact that I can't be at home. Which also of course means that I will not be accomplishing my goal from last night. So my laundry is sitting in the container getting wrinkly. Yay. One more reason to be annoyed with the situation. Deep breathes. Let it go. On the cleaning front I made progress. I cleaned off another Hot Spot. The top of one of my dressers. I can now see and enjoy the pretties that are on it instead of pawing through the mountain of crap that tends to accumulate there. I also picked up pretty much all the stuff laying around the floor of my room. Now if only I had swept. Actually what I figure I really need is a clone or mini-me (besides Alexis) that I can just leave to do all the cleaning and random crud that I don't want to do. Wouldn't that be AWESOME! So that is about the extent of the good cleaning stuff. Now I gotta get around to reading some more in the book so I can keep on with my journey.

If you got any spare happy thoughts send em my way....

P.S. A super happy thought:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


So I don't really have anything new or insightful to say. So my goal for tomorrow: empty out my car and put it all away. And really, that's all I got. Aren't all of you with ADD lucky?

I apologize

Dear Avid Readers, I apologize profusely for the lack of writing last night (which is why I am making up for it this morning.) It was due to the fact that on Monday night I had a HORRIBLE sleeping night. It was full of crap all around which led to me passing out in front of the computer last night before I could blog. Once again I apologize and beg your forgiveness! ;)

Alright, that's out of the way. So I can't get rid of the feeling that every time I take a step forward, I take one (or god forbid 2) steps backwards. For example I was totally stoked with myself for using my only hour off yesterday to clean the cages like I said I would for my goal the night before. YAY! THEN I proceeded to not do any of my routine stuff, like setting a goal, putting out my clothes for the next day, cleaning out the cat box, or using the yummy scrubby stuff on my hands. Sigh... I also tried on a bunch of stuff yesterday before going to dance rehearsal (since I was feeling like the Good Year Blimp) and left it all out. Once again, SIGH.Okay, enough on the bashing of myself. Right? Right!

So I'm setting myself a more long term goal since I started working on costuming stuff for the show. Whenever I get around to sewing things/making costumes/etc... I tend to make a mess. And I don't mean a few things strewn about. I'm talking pins on the floor, pieces of thread EVERYWHERE, scarps of patterns and fabric all over, sewing books laying about, the list goes on. So my goal with this whole FlyBaby thing in mind, is to clean up after myself whenever I do sewing. I have to be realistic and know that that does not necessarily mean I am going to be putting things away every time I stop. More likely I want to contain the mess. Pick up pins, throw away thread pieces when I cut them off, and fold up the fabric or whatever I am working on. I actually did reasonably well on this yesterday. I layed out all the fabric and cut out the pieces I needed, cut out the pattern pieces for when I get that fabric, and then... I folded it all up and put it in one spot. YAY me (I'm not a complete screw up.) So Y'all hold me to it whenever I talk about sewing.

Well, its about that time that I have to get up (that's weird, I should be going to bed) and join the real world and make it through my Friday. TGIF!!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Here there be pirates.

I accomplished my goal!!! YAY ME!!! (this is where you all cheer joyously for my amazing accomplishments, and praise me, ya I like praising.) In case you forgot since yesterday, my goal was to clean something, and I did! Actually, several things. I technically can check off two goals since I finally put away all the DVDs and books that I stacked so conveniently right by where they go. Conclusion: I have a butt-load of movies (and they are mostly cartoons which makes me joyously happy.) I also dug out all the fabric that had been accumulating (which actually reads HIDING) under the table and behind the recliner in the corner. I then organized it into the appropriate storage boxes (refer to last night's post about the ones in the middle of the living room)and even *GASP* threw some stuff out. I then put the boxes back where they belong. I...AM....AWESOME. Lets see, what else...I moved the old printer to the garage (since it's not mine I can't just get rid of it) folded and put away the blankets from when Kit Kat spent the night, and..OH YES!! My best accomplishment for the day. I finally hung my tree pirate. What's a tree pirate you might ask, (well, go on, ask nicely) ok fine, I'll tell you. I work at True Value where we at one point sold bird feeders shaped as pirate skull and cross bones (we do happen to be the home of the Vashon Pirates, so its not a HUGE weirdness.) The problem here is that we seemed to have STOPPED selling said bird feeders with one lonely one hanging on the back wall gathering dust. Well, when I made the remark one day about how much it cracked me up it was decided by all the higher beings that it should come home with me...YAY! Well, I rushed home, took it out of the box, and.....let it sit there for the past few weeks. Turns out I have no idea where a drill or screws are. SIGH! Tonight though as I was cleaning, I happened to look down and lo and behold! A drill!! (in box of course, it wasn't just sitting in the middle of the floor or anything) And as my hun reminded me there is an entire box of screws spilled on the floor by a certain some one's side of the bed (hint: it isn't MY side.) And bada-bing bada-boom! I have a tree pirate! Yay! I am super stoked! So all in all it was a reasonably productive cleaning day. Still about 8 million things to do, but I did something.

So, goal for tomorrow...I am going to clean out the two hedgehog cages. That will make me (and Bubbles) wonderfully happy. Well, dealing with the poo and all not so much a happy thing. But the end result will be good.

*You know I really need to get some animals where I don't have to deal with quite so much poo....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Kick My A*#

Alright, well, didn't accomplish anything yesterday, but soaking up the sunshine and staying up WAY too late. You know, now that I think about it, that isn't entirely true. Which makes me quite happy at the moment because I'm feeling rather discouraged. For the play that I am doing (Oklahoma! July 8-18, come see it!!!) I needed to find some fabric to look at for costuming , so we dragged the 6 storage containers into the yard (I was NOT giving up the sun that easily) and went through them all. I actually got several things to donate, threw some stuff out, and did a bit of organizing. So, not a big progress but something. Of course now I actually have to put all the storage containers away since they are currently sitting in the middle of the living room. Que Sera, Sera right?

So on to today. I am feeling the pull of the overwhelmingness, and the depression and all the other little crap that keeps me from accomplishing anything. Maybe I just need to look at it in a different way. Here's how the day went. Had an incredibly long and horribly frustrating dance rehearsal today. Came home and had absolutely no ability but to do anything but sit and unwind. I feel as though I haven't stopped in ages. The past week:
Monday: I can't even remember this far back.
Tuesday: Work, straight to rehearsal.
Wednesday: Work, straight to rehearsal.
Thursday: Work, dinner with family, rehearsal.
Friday: Day long trip off island, battle with traffic so I could make it to Kit Kat's play.
Saturday: Rehearsal, errands, fabric snooping, graduation party until 2:00am
and we're back at today. So even though I actually had a 3 day weekend I haven't stopped doing stuff of some sort. What this all leads up to is me once again not cleaning anything. Luckily my hun got the urge and cleaned most of the kitchen, so yay for him tonight! I figure at this point I need to look at things differently. There is an entire chapter in the FLY book about taking care of yourself and NOT running on empty. So maybe what I really needed was to stop. To not clean, to read my book and try to take deep calming breathes. Now if only I could have gotten rid of the horrible guilty feeling I had the entire time. Sigh....

I figure soon it might be time for the kick in the pants from my avid readers if I can't get some time and get rid of the aura of failure I feel is hanging around my head. I am going to make my goal for tomorrow real vague so I can feel that I have accomplished ANYTHING. Tomorrow my goal is I am going to clean...something. I figure that gives me lost of room for my Monday. God I hate Mondays....

Friday, June 11, 2010

What Was I Thinking?

So for the fourth day in a row, I have been gone from the house from the time I wake up to about an hour before I go to bed. In this hour, I eat dinner, try to get ready for the next day, and blog. Which leaves me with VERY little time and/or inclination to clean. I feel like I have started this whole life alteration through cleaning thing at an incredibly inopportune time in my life. I KNOW I KNOW!!! Baby steps right? Take 5 minutes and clean something right? WRONG. I am pooped. The last thing I want to do is clean. Just in case I haven't made myself clear on the topic.... I HATE, LOATHE AND DESPISE CLEANING. Ok, got that off my chest. I was a good girl though and scooped the poop (and yes I still love my cat.)

SIDETRACK: I have to run off on a random tangent real quick because it ties in wonderfully with cat poop. My sister Kit Kat and her friend Julianna (who is one of my dance girls/little sisters) had a showcase this evening of the monologues they had to do for their Drama 1 class. Both of whom were absolutely fabulous! This though has nothing to do with them. This has to do with a short that 3 of the students wrote and performed together in which the guy tries to convince the girl that her cat, the other girl, and all cats in general are trying to take over the world. It was hilarious. And I think, strangely valid. He asks what the girl would want if she were a tyrant or some such thing. She replies with wanting a massage whenever she wanted (at which point the cat demands to be rubbed,) plenty of food whenever she wants it (where the cat sits pitifully by food bowl meowing until it gets filled,) and he says she might as well ask to have her ass wiped for her as well, as the girl reminds herself to clean littler box. Needless to say I think these high schoolers are onto something. Cats are taking over the world one human slave at a time.

Back on track. So there was pretty much no cleaning done and the minimal of effort in the routine category today. I did try to make my goal achieving much easier for tomorrow by taking all the books and DVDs that I could find and putting them in one spot. This spot happens to be right next to the homes of both items. (I'm stealing the goal from yesterday was it?) I figure this is a step in the right direction. Hopefully it will happen. Tomorrow seems to be pretty packed as well with rehearsals and RifTrax graduation/slumber parties. I may not be bloggable tomorrow because of said sleep over. I will do my best though! Wish me long sleepies!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Alright, if you have an aversion to UnderRoos (in particular MY UnderRoos, in a totally NON-sexual way) then turn away now, close your eyes, run screaming from the room. If not, read on avid readers for more on UNDERROOS! So I actually did my goal from last night. I folded AND put away all my laundry, including all the laundry on my dresser. Now most of you don't understand what a daunting task this is. Not only do I have clothes upon clothes upon clothes, but I also have a million pairs of UnderRoos. Ok, well maybe a little over 60. This means that I could not do laundry for TWO months and still have clean UnderRoos. And in the process of putting away all this laundry I have to roll up all the UnderRoos and put them in their little compartments. Do you realize the amount of time this takes? Doing laundry is a MAJOR undertaking. Now I really should get rid of some of said UnderRoos but I can't seem to find it in my heart. There is something wonderfully awesome about fun UnderRoos. If you don't have any go out right now and buy some, and the next time that you are having a bad day, put on your fun UnderRoos. Also call them UnderRoos, it will make you smile.

I figure I should move away from the talk of UnderRoos before everyone explodes. Not much new on the cleaning front. I am though batting 100% on my morning and evening routines for today. GO ME!!!! Eventually I will get brave (or stupid) and add more stuff to the lists. Especially cleaning stuff, that would be good. But for now, I figure I will stick with a reasonable amount of things that I am pretty sure I can do on a normal basis. I figure this will lead to an overall sense of accomplishment as opposed to failure and self-hatred. An all around better way to go.

So my goal for tomorrow...hmmmm....I am going to put away all the movies and books that are sitting around and not in their nice comfy homes. An attainable goal! Woohoo!

P.S. I think it is REALLY funny that after writing a whole big thing about comments from you my wonderful followers, I didn't get a single comment. I LOVE IT!
P.P.S. I said UnderRoos 11 times, well, 12 now.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So I had this blog all planned out about how I had either lost my touch or you all had spontaneously fallen off the face of the planet at the same time, which were the only two things I could think of for why I wasn't getting any more comments. *Side note-I was leaning on everyone falling off the face of the planet, because really it can't possibly be that I'm not funny anymore* But lo and behold when I logged in to do tonight's blog, there they were! 2 comments on last night's entry! Woo hoo! My adoring public still adores me! (You know I feel like maybe I should work on this whole humility thing, but it seems to be working for me so I'm gonna roll with it.) On that note though, my entry seems to have diminished quite a bit in size since I can no longer beg you to validate me through your comments. So, forward ho (thank you Kit Kat) to cleaning!

The list thing is kinda cool. Currently after an entire 24 hours (give or take) I am running at about 98% on getting all the stuff done on the list. I forgot one thing this morning, and this evening I just got plain ole lazy and didn't do one of the items (it happens to be the ICK factor of cleaning the pig box.) All things considered though I figure 98% is pretty good out of the starting box. I need to make the lists more available though. They are currently on the coffee table and I don't get to check them off and I just don't like it. I do have to say how much I am loving all the little things that I am doing to fulfill myself. The earrings and the lotion and using this super yummy scrub on my hands every night makes me feel so....yummy! Which is a pretty awesome thing coming out of the mouth (hands?) of someone with the self esteem of a slug. Now I'm not saying I'm out there screaming from the rooftops how amazing I am but I'm at least now thinking about it. Back to cleaning! My goal for tomorrow is a two parter. Which leads me to say that I didn't finish my goal this evening. I came home from a very long, very slow, very tense day/rehearsal with a headache and the need for some down time. So I watched my favorite show (GLEE!!!!!) and folded laundry. BUT, I didn't get it all done. Therefor my goal for tomorrow is to fold the remaining laundry AND get rid of the laundry on top of my dresser. This seems to be where all the random laundry accumulates. Things needing to be hung up, sheets, mismatched socks, underwear, etc... Needless to say it gets a little daunting. Now I may be overburdening myself for tomorrow evening but I wanna aim big. Either way I'll be happy, and if I only get the laundry folded then at least I have a goal for the next day. Woo hoo!

Well, good night my avid readers, and sweet and non-cleaning filled dreams to you all.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Ok, not really on topic here but kinda sorta since it has to do with cleaning. I have a sponge phobia a.k.a poreferaphobia", from the Latin "porus" (pore) "ferre" (to bear) and "phobia" (to fear). Teehee...i have a real phobia with a shnazzy Latin name. I love it. But really, sponges creep me out. It makes it kinda hard with the whole scrubbing your sink thing. I have to hide my sponge. I feel like an idiot talking about hiding my sponge, but really if I don't it will get to the icky point. You know where sponges sit around and get all nasty and god only knows what is infecting it and it gets that disgusting smell and then the smell gets on your hands and it WON'T come off!!! Ok, the icky point. So I can't handle when sponges get like that (its like when foods start to infect each other on your plate, totally unacceptable.) So I have been hiding my sponge because then the only time it comes out is when I use it to scrub the sink or bathtub and there is Clorox involved which means it gets bleached out and therefor NOT icky. I promise you all that I am only MOSTLY crazy, not ENTIRELY crazy. So that is my rant on cleaning. I have some other pretty awesome phobias but no others that I can think of that involve cleaning.

So I read the next chapter of the book and its pretty much all about your attitude and especially about not being a martyr. I'm doing pretty good at not being a martyr but it happens sometimes. I think the attitude thing is not bad either. At least while I blog I seem to have a pretty good outlook on things. It also starts really talking about your morning and evening routine. And writing them down so you have to check them off (she gets all wonderfully geeky by putting them in plastic covers and using a dry erase marker to check them off.) I have to confess to a bit of geekiness myself because I love lists! They are awesome! And it actually is really good for your esteem when you see all those little check marks that mean you got all your groceries, or accomplished all your "To-Dos" and packed everything you need for a trip. So I'm totally behind this one. I made myself two little lists. They don't have a lot of cleaning on them at the moment but I figure I'll get there eventually. There is some cleaning on both (which is pretty darn amazing because as most of you know I AM NOT A MORNING PERSON.) On the morning issue, I have it down so that my alarm goes off first at 6:39 exactly and I hit snooze until 7:07 where I then get up and leave the house by 7:35. The least I can do in the morning the happier of a camper I am. So I've made it through most of my evening list, besides the things I do right before I go to sleep. Woo Hoo for me!!!

Progress is on the horizon. Now I have to do some actual cleaning. Don't expect much from me though for the next few days. Leaving at 10:00am and getting home at 9:30pm don't leave room for much, but I think the main thing I want to add to my morning list is one cleaning goal for the next day. I think for tomorrow I'm going to fold my laundry. I can do this, right?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Baking, baking over the

Well, couldn't really think of a title and then thought of the baking I'm doing and I don't know, some how veered of into "Sailing Sailing Over the Ocean Blue." Gotta love those side tracks. There seem to be quite a few in my brain. Ah well, figure it makes me more lovable! Not much accomplished since I left at 8:45am and got home around 8:45pm. I feel like I'm never at home right now. I'm having day dreams about getting time to myself. Awesome. What's really ridiculous is that as soon as I'm done with all the rehearsals I'm gonna be lonely. Anywho. Not alot of cleaning done, but some good habits kicking in. As soon as I got home I had to fly through getting my friendship bread ready so I would actually have something for breakfast in the morning. *Side note- If anyone does or has done the friendship bread, do they have any good recipes for it?* And when I was done, I actually rinsed out all the dishes that I used. Now I was bad and didn't scrub out the weird red spots on the sink. So unfortunately for today I cannot say that my sink is clean. ACK! I feel bad just saying it. Like I should get up right now and go scrub it. Buuuuutttttt...not gonna happen. That's pretty much the extent of my cleaning-ness for the day. I did some of the other routiney stuff like putting out my clothes for tomorrow, and using the yummy scrubby stuff on my hands, and making sure the nightstand is clean. So that's it for today. Maybe they'll be better stuff tomorrow. Figure I should go campaign for more followers again. Tell all your friends!!!!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Victory For ME!

Alright, well since I abandoned all of my adoring fans (namely you guys) last night, and pretty much the whole day as well, I figured that I better make up for it in a big way. Plus I had a major melt down last night. I lost most of my cleaning time yesterday by going off island to get my hair done. When I got home I decided to sit for a little bit cause I was feeling exhausted and slightly stressed out (driving over town now does that to me, specially since I didn't know how to get where I was going.) *Sidebar-I have this image of myself gripping the steering wheel like a mad woman and screaming profanities at anyone even thinking of coming near my car. Oh well, moving on. Then mom called and wanted me to go up town with her and I said yes. I then have this god-awful thought of all the things I didn't do and NEEDED to and/or wanted to. I then proceed to run around like a mad woman (ah again with the madness) trying to get the things done that I NEEDED to. Which leads me to the garage, where I find that my hun has moved all my storage boxes around to where I cannot reach them. This is in turn the end of me. I completely lose it and end up curled in a ball sobbing into a pillow on my bed. FUN! Luckily I have a wonderfully understanding mother who let me off the hook and I wander around like a zombie for awhile until said hun takes me up town for a drink and to hang with my mom. Gotta luv him! So, hence the gone fishing.......

Onto the VICTORY FOR ME! (If you know who Invader Zim is, you must say it in that voice exactly.) After hours of rehearsal, I came home today and decided I couldn't take it any longer. See the problem with the cleaning I've been doing is that most of what I've been getting rid of or organizing or whatever, has been alot of the fringe stuff. Things in storage boxes of in the corner, bills already in a cupboard, etc...This equals progress in the way of decluttering my life and a house that still looks like ground zero of a tornado. YAY! I cannot take it anymore. So I refer to the book and its how-to-yness on how to binge clean.
Grab your timer.
Head to kitchen.
Take 15 minutes, start with sink move out from there. DING!
Move to living room.
Take 15 minutes, start with one small are. DING!
Move back to kitchen.
Take 15 minutes, continue on. DING!
Take 15 minute break.DING!
Move to bathroom.
Take 15 minutes, start with sink move out from there. DING!

Okay, so I deviated a bit. Worked well through kitchen, library, kitchen mode. Didn't take a break, I figured if I stopped I wouldn't get going again. I also kinda cheated on the whole "Clean your house for Success" look. You're sposed to be all dressed, shoes, make-up, etc...NO SWEATS! Ya, I can't clean without making a mess of myself. So I got out the ratty clothes. So shoot me! I moved onto my bathroom. Timer goes off....I keep going, kinda obsessively. I get this notion in my head that the bathroom is small and therefor if I can get it entirely clean I will have actually accomplished something. And for the next several hours an entire room in my house will be clean. So I keep going and finish the whole stupid thing. I AM AWESOME! So those are my cleaning escapades for the day. On the down side, cleaning always makes my hands feel like sandpaper. Total incentive NOT to clean. Must prevail against the sandpaper!

P.S. I totally recommend the whole wake up and slather yourself in yummy lotion thing. It makes you feel amazingly luxurious and sensuous. I LOVE IT! So go on, go do it!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Very Random

Today was a strange day. I spent very little time at home so I didn't accomplish much. (I'm beginning to feel like a broken record.) Some of those routines are kicking in again though. I went out and scooped out the litter box (once again I would just like to reiterate...ICK!) I don't understand cats. The litter box is in the garage which has plenty of ways for the cat to get out into the open. And even though he could really easily go potty in the grass he will continue to use the box even if it is full to the brim of nastiness (and yes its gotten that way cause I forget it out in the garage.) Oh well, I suppose its good I'm not a cat. I also did really well after finishing the project I was working on. I put back the stuff in its place. At least mostly. I'm sending out a plea to anyone that stamps, scrapbooks, makes cards, etc or is just super organized....How do you organize your paper? Most of the paper I have is 12x12 and therefor doesn't fit in normal file folders and things like that. I really want it separated by color but I can't figure out how to do it. Right now I just have paper stacked in giant stacks and try to keep the colors together. This leads to it being REALLY hard to get to the paper I want and an almost 0% success rate of me putting the paper back in the right spot. So, any ideas???? PRETTY PLEASE?!?!?!

On the down side. I forgot my earrings today and it was HORRIBLE!. Isn't that silly? I kept touching my ears trying to figure out what was wrong and I felt slightly off all day. I suppose that means its working. They are making me feel better about me. I need all the help there that I can get. I also forgot to start my awesome lotion regiment this morning (umm, that sounds vaguely wrong and naughty but we're gonna ignore it.) I did try to make up for it by using the slightly less awesome lotion I keep at work on my hands. Mmmmm, citrusy!!

Well, tomorrow I'm off to work on that whole self esteem thing some more. Yay for getting my hair done! Gonna go lay out some sassy clothes to help me feel awesome in my new hair and gotta clean off Hot Spot Nightstand!!! Wish me sexy hair!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Running on Empty

So apparently it really is only in my head that you all will scream and rant and rave if I fail. Not a single person had anything at all to say about the fact that I didn't do anything yesterday. This leads me to think that A: You all are wonderfully forgiving or B: I didn't say anything particularly interesting. Oh well, either way I did something today. Go me! I read the next chapter in the book. And luckily for me (since I read it at 10:30 at night) there wasn't anything in it I had to do right away. I like this chapter. It's about something that I struggle with a lot. It was all about running on empty (haha, pretty smooth using it in the title eh?) and how most of us take on too much or try to take care of everyone/everything else and it leaves us running on fumes. I TOTALLY GET THIS. It seems kinda silly to me because most of the time I come home from work, or have the day off and I sit around not doing anything. Part of this is just being really tired. I seem to be tired all the time, day or night, no matter how much sleep I get, I am tired. I hate it. Part of it is also that I am so overwhelmed by it all that I can't get the OOMPH I need to get going. But it makes me feel kinda...hypocritical maybe for saying I'm running on empty when I don't do much, but oh well there it is. Beyond all the quick drills and cleaning commandments, the best thing you can do for yourself is to actually TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. Novel concept huh? And it can be little things, take time out to read a book, take a bubble bath, light a candle and so on. I like it. I've already started by laying out clothes and wearing my awesome earrings (today's choice: black dice with white dots) and I've decided my next baby step will be to put yummy lotion on every morning. I've been feeling slightly crocodile like lately (and our descent into Juneuary is NOT helping the situation) so I figure I will actually use the copious amounts of lotion and body butter to remedy the problem. If anyone else can think of some good ones let me know.

So most of the chapter revolved around car metaphors and running on fumes and such. Which all led into taking care of yourself by...filling up your gas tank before you HAVE to. I kinda get this. I mean yes we all need to do nice things for ourselves just because, not for special occasions. It did talk about ever time you fill up your gas tank that you make it into a (take a wild guess) Routine! and throw out any trash in the car. Good thinking. A lot of the other car stuff I'm not real sure about. We'll see how it pans out.

Okay, so wish me smooth and wonderfully touchable skin and I'll see ya tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So today I didn't do a damn thing to clean. Yay. I even had a big long conversation with myself in the car about how I needed to go home and clean something, do something, read a chapter in the book, ANYTHING. The lazy-ish side argued that it had been a very long day and I had things to do when I got home, the FlyBaby side of me cried out that all I needed was 5 minutes, plus what would I write about if I didn't do SOMETHING. Well, needless to say, the lazy-ish side won out. I got the things printed out that I needed to, I ate, and all-in-all didn't do much. I was hoping the guilt would work on me today, but alas I am stronger than the guilt tonight. I do have to say though that something is sinking in. Once again we go back to the harping about routines. I actually seem to be developing some that are leading to good results. At least that is what I am telling myself.

On the way home from work I stopped to get the mail, and there was only a piece of junk mail. It was junk mail that wasn't even for us, but for the people that lived here before. So instead of doing what I normally do (throw it on the kitchen counter and hope that it will magically sort itself out or spontaneously combust) I put it in the box that I set by the wood stove. This box was one of my smart moments. It's a simple milk crate (not pretty but useful) that I can dump all the extra paper, small pieces of cardboard, etc.. that piles up and then use it to light fires. Woo hoo for my genius-ness!Also stuck one in the bathroom for dirty clothes, more smartness!! I also actually dragged my butt out of bed to wash of my dirty dish (as opposed to letting it become an interesting science project on the nightstand) and I'm gonna go lay out my clothes for tomorrow.

So, apparently it's working, to some degree. Now I have to get out of the stand still I seem to be in and move on to the next chapter/step. Wish me luck. And if I haven't done it by the weekend, threaten me with bodily harm.