Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I'M BACK!!!!!

Avid Readers! I'm Back! Now is where you burst into uncontrollable sobbing showing how much you have been anxiously awaiting the return of my blog. (If not true at least tell me you are, a girl needs to feel needed after all!) My hiatus took a bit longer than I intended but the show took pretty much my soul (or all my sleep and energy and time, but really whats the difference?) and it took me till about now to recover it. With that said I miss the show like crazy. It was such an amazing experience that I can't wait for the next one.

Ok, enough of that. So the good news is that I'm back. The bad news is that whereas before my house was a mess, now my house looks like an earthquake rolled through, sprinkles of a tornado or two and top with an explosion and you have the gist. Its making it incredibly difficult to get started (remember how much trouble I had before and now its even worse???? What am I gonna do??) I can say very definitively that sink is NOT clean. I know in the book you're supposed to take everything out of the sink and put it on the counter (or actually clean it but that's gonna take WAY too much effort) but there isn't even any room on the counter to take things out of the sink. SIGH!

This leaves me with my sink not clean, my routines, down the tube and a serious lack of motivation on my part. Couple that with packing and some really emotional stuff going on and I feel like the cleaning Gods are smiting me. But I will get there, slowly but surely right? Baby steps and all that. A renewal of my life changing through cleaning thesis. Wish me luck.

So my goal for tomorrow. Is to make it through my evening routine. I'm gonna try for the morning one but it's been a real hard thing to wake up in the morning so its not real likely to happen with the whole lack of motivation thing. Plus if I don't do it now it gives me a goal for another day. So hello one and all! I missed you so!


  1. I am jumping with joy and i have applauded your return so much I can't use my hands!!!!! just keep breathing, just keep breathing. You have a great opportunity to start fresh. Don't keep anything you don't need. Pack one box at a time.
    Love you

  2. YEAH your back. I've been waiting and although I do not have tears streaming down my face I do have a big smile of antici...pation of reading about your journey.
