Tuesday, May 25, 2010


So it is the end of a VERY long and VERY frustrating day which started out with the people who live above me screaming at their small children (AGAIN) at ungodly hours of the morning. It's very possible that this was the cause of said very long and very frustrating day. But now that I am wrapped up in bed and don't have to be anywhere for the 12 hours or so I am doing my best to let it all go and look at the bright side of things. With that said... My Sink Is Still Clean!!! Woo hoo. Of course there was some weird liquid that needed to be rinsed out when I got home but now it is back to its state of cleanliness! I also put away the assorted clothes/shoes/jewelry, etc... as I was getting ready for bed. Once again, Go ME! I did realize this morning when I got up that I did forget one of my main rules (set forth in the one chapter I have read of the book so far) which was to set out my clothes for the next day. Now lucky for me I was able to figure out an outfit on the fly and NOT have to go to work naked. The day is saved! Speaking of which, I probably need to drag my lazy carcass out of bed and set out my stuff for tomorrow...ugh...I don't wanna. Anything involving standing at this point I consider cruel and unusual punishment, and since I would be inflicting it upon myself I must have some hidden masochistic tendencies. Oh well.

Onto a side note which I find ironically funny. So one of the things the book stresses is that CHAOS (Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome) and clutter make for bad relationships with our selves and those we live with. Which therefor leads to the conclusion that getting rid of said crap in your life will better those relationships. I know its early in the game and I know I've had a crappy day but the cleaning thing seems to be having an averse effect. So on my first day when I scrubbed my sink, the cleaning spirit moved me and I binge cleaned of my dining table. Feeling all proud of myself I even set it all purdy-like with the summer stuff I've had but never used. Ahhh, another shining beacon of wonderfulness in my otherwise still disaster-zone of a home. BUT-for the past two days every time I come home, my honey has unloaded something or another onto my beautiful shining beacon. ARGH!!! And it makes me want to rip his hands of and beat him with them.....(refer to earlier reference to really crummy mood) So instead of yelling I laughed about it and am once again trying to let it go. I just find it ironic that that which is supposed to bring us together is currently bringing out my homicidal tendencies as well.

On that note, I am slightly terrified by the masochistic homicidal wreck that I'm turning out to be, but I still have high hopes for the future. I am assigning myself homework since the book hasn't. I am to at least READ the next chapter. Hold me to it....

1 comment:

  1. you are my shining beacon (and i am in a very shiny home right now) so that must speak to the power of the journey is more important than the end result. or some such thing. i look forward to your insights.
    love, auntie l
