Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So i tried to blog last night, but a disagreement ending in some seriously bruised feelings resulted in a serious lack of a computer for me. It was rather frustrating since I actually had something to write about. I cleaned the litter box!!!! Yay for me!!! (and the poor pig!) Woo hoo!!! I hate litter boxes. If I was cool I would teach the cat to use the potty like my cousin. But the chances of that happening are pretty slim. I also went through some boxes and bags that have been sitting around with all my sewing stuff. I got rid of quite a bit and at least reasonably sorted the other stuff. I feel like there was something else that I did last night but now I can't remember. Oh well. I'm sure it was something amazing and earth shattering like all of my cleaning escapades are. (Nod in agreement here....) Tonight on the other hand I did pretty much nada. I did take a nice long shower, shaved and then used some of my absolutely favorite lotion which led to a yummy pampered feel. I figure this goes back a ways to the whole not running on empty thing. I think its more likely laziness and a massive need to not dive back into the overwhelming madness that is packing but I'm gonna rationalize it by saying it was pampering. So that's it for tonight boys and girls. Tomorrow my goal is to actually work on my costume since I majorly running out of time! GOOD NIGHT!!!

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