Sunday, June 6, 2010

Baking, baking over the

Well, couldn't really think of a title and then thought of the baking I'm doing and I don't know, some how veered of into "Sailing Sailing Over the Ocean Blue." Gotta love those side tracks. There seem to be quite a few in my brain. Ah well, figure it makes me more lovable! Not much accomplished since I left at 8:45am and got home around 8:45pm. I feel like I'm never at home right now. I'm having day dreams about getting time to myself. Awesome. What's really ridiculous is that as soon as I'm done with all the rehearsals I'm gonna be lonely. Anywho. Not alot of cleaning done, but some good habits kicking in. As soon as I got home I had to fly through getting my friendship bread ready so I would actually have something for breakfast in the morning. *Side note- If anyone does or has done the friendship bread, do they have any good recipes for it?* And when I was done, I actually rinsed out all the dishes that I used. Now I was bad and didn't scrub out the weird red spots on the sink. So unfortunately for today I cannot say that my sink is clean. ACK! I feel bad just saying it. Like I should get up right now and go scrub it. Buuuuutttttt...not gonna happen. That's pretty much the extent of my cleaning-ness for the day. I did some of the other routiney stuff like putting out my clothes for tomorrow, and using the yummy scrubby stuff on my hands, and making sure the nightstand is clean. So that's it for today. Maybe they'll be better stuff tomorrow. Figure I should go campaign for more followers again. Tell all your friends!!!!!

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