Tuesday, June 1, 2010


So today I didn't do a damn thing to clean. Yay. I even had a big long conversation with myself in the car about how I needed to go home and clean something, do something, read a chapter in the book, ANYTHING. The lazy-ish side argued that it had been a very long day and I had things to do when I got home, the FlyBaby side of me cried out that all I needed was 5 minutes, plus what would I write about if I didn't do SOMETHING. Well, needless to say, the lazy-ish side won out. I got the things printed out that I needed to, I ate, and all-in-all didn't do much. I was hoping the guilt would work on me today, but alas I am stronger than the guilt tonight. I do have to say though that something is sinking in. Once again we go back to the harping about routines. I actually seem to be developing some that are leading to good results. At least that is what I am telling myself.

On the way home from work I stopped to get the mail, and there was only a piece of junk mail. It was junk mail that wasn't even for us, but for the people that lived here before. So instead of doing what I normally do (throw it on the kitchen counter and hope that it will magically sort itself out or spontaneously combust) I put it in the box that I set by the wood stove. This box was one of my smart moments. It's a simple milk crate (not pretty but useful) that I can dump all the extra paper, small pieces of cardboard, etc.. that piles up and then use it to light fires. Woo hoo for my genius-ness!Also stuck one in the bathroom for dirty clothes, more smartness!! I also actually dragged my butt out of bed to wash of my dirty dish (as opposed to letting it become an interesting science project on the nightstand) and I'm gonna go lay out my clothes for tomorrow.

So, apparently it's working, to some degree. Now I have to get out of the stand still I seem to be in and move on to the next chapter/step. Wish me luck. And if I haven't done it by the weekend, threaten me with bodily harm.

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