Monday, June 21, 2010

I only did the kinda things I orta, Sorta...

Alright my bloggy friends. I got so amped up today that I have been doing stuff almost non-stop since I got home at around 5:15ish. It is with that in mind that I have just noticed that it is 11:30. So I accomplished many amazing things this evening, and I am going to leave you all hanging and finish my post in the morning.

So, I hope you are all at home furiously pondering the amazingness that I was up to and I will see you in the morning.

P.S. Goal for tomorrow: just get through the day.

I'm back! Good morning all! Started it off with some PB & J and some Charmed, then its off to work (BOOOOO!!! it looks like its finally a nice day out and I'm gonna be stuck inside.) So my day yesterday deserves praise. Well, go on...praise me! (Are you praising me yet?) So I got home and put the groceries away (including the bag) WOo Hoo! Then I remembered my jump rope goal and got out my i-pod put on some fun music and went to it. And then quickly realized just how out of shape I am and how exhausting it is to jump rope for an extended time. What the heck?!?!?!?! Didn't jump roping used to be really easy??? So needless to say I didn't make it through the whole 15 minutes. I did though make it through 8. I'm gonna aim for that today as well. Then (after sitting for a few minutes to get my breath back) I moved on to cleaning off two different hot spots. I put the coffee table back together (my hun spilled water and took everything off and placed it all over) and got rid off the mass of dishes that seems to accumulate in like a day. (Like totally for sure.) Sorry, valley moment. Then I cleaned off the trunk that holds all my costuming stuff. It is another flat surface so of course it gathers crap. I put the costumes away (which involves alot of shoving, and closing the lid real quick and sitting on the lid on one side to get the latch done and then moving to the other side.) I then made it look pretty again. GO FREAKIN ME! Then my pleas of oncoming madness finally made it through to my hun and he took care of all of the laundry that had been taking over most of the living room. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!!!! Then I got all the pattern pieces cut out for one of my costumes AND put everything away. Then I went through a bunch of pictures for a project I'm working on AND put them away! YAY me!!!! So, what I think is really funny, is that in the mist of all of this cleaning madness I completely forgot about the fact that my goal was to fold laundry and so I didn't. Go figure huh?

Well, I hope by now you are all prostrating yourselves in front of my amazingness and on that note I am off to work!!!

1 comment:

  1. so i've been a tad busy myself but when the shining moment of peace and quiet came late in the night i read myself some f b b b. i have to say, reading 5 entries in a row was kind of like getting a whole season of a show on dvd.

    and i got to thinking you should take this blog on the road! one girl show with gigantic props- sinks, sponges, piles of mail and dishes. and hedgehogs. a few well placed songs. it'll be a hit. i know it.
